Thursday, September 18, 2008

Boxes and Babies

I'm thinking a lot about boxes these days. Growing is like finding yourself in one box and then feeling too big for that box. Like babies~ first it's the womb, then a basinet, then a crib, then a small bed, then a big bed. Same idea with growing. The more time you spend thinking about what you want, the more your hands feel the walls around you. You grow more and more desirous of what's outside of the box you're in, and desire helps you make your way out of it and into a bigger one (and as you keep growing, the cycle continues).

I'm learning about the 4 kinds of income, and this is challenging me to expand my box. This is Robert Kiyosaki's idea, outlined in his book Cashflow Quadrant. It looks like this:

On the left side are the most common ways that people make money: be employed or be self-employed. On the right side are the more uncommon but more lucrative ways: be a business owner or an investor. Did you know that 95% of people work in left side? But did you also know that only 5% of the wealth in the world is there???

Last week I had a meeting with the manager I'm currently temping for. We talked about the possibility of me taking a full time position in his department. His concern was that I had left the company once before and would I be there for a longer term this time? If they hired me, they would be "putting a lot of time and money into my training and they would want to know it would be worthwhile." I met with another manager who told me the same thing. And I understand where they're coming from- I don't want to waste their time either. But in the back of my mind, with this new information in my head, I'm thinking "I'm spending 40 hours every week in this company, doing excellent work that builds an asset I will never own." I understand that's just how it works in the employee world. But who is this worthwhile for? How valuable is my time?

It's out of the box to imagine that someone like myself (single, woman, and uneducated in business) could have a piece of the pie on the right side of the quadrant. But it is possible. That's a box I'm working on and it's exciting!!


Anonymous said...

WOW you sound great as always! You make so much dang sense! I love it! You will go far woman! FAR!! I can't wait to see where this journey will take you next.
Love Darlene

Carla said...

You are such an ecouragement Darlene~ thank you!