My church recently had a focus on what is called the "Micah Challenge". Doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God. When I think of these topics, the physical reach of that usually seems associated with big scale movements. Ending poverty in Africa. Ending homelessness in Calgary. World Vision.
I have nothing against those movements and organizations. But what it has meant for me personally is that if we believe in justice it should be consistently lived out in every area of our lives. Someone at work called me "sweetheart" condescendingly on the phone. In the past I probably would have inwardly reacted and held it all in, harboring bitterness towards her and sluffing it off (or trying to...). But my belief system is changing. I walked down to her cubicle and asked her not to call me that again. (Now she makes a point of regally calling me "Carla Dippel" any time we interact...) If I really believe in justice, that means justice for ME too. Why would I fight for justice for someone else across the ocean if I don't truly believe in it for myself? James talks about faith producing works. I've often interpreted that to mean that if we believe in God, who is nice and kind, then we should do good works for other people and be nice and kind too. Right now I take it to mean simply this- that what we truly believe deep down inside is how we will act. Because I truly believe that I am just as valuable as any other human being, I will get out of my office chair and walk down to someone else's desk and say words that are uncomfortable but true. I will act on what I believe. If I hadn't done anything, wouldn't it be close to saying that I don't really believe myself to be valuable? If I don't believe myself to be valuable, why would I believe anyone else is valuable? It doesn't make sense. I don't think I would be advocating for other oppressed people in a genuine way if I simultaneously let other people walk all over me or put me down. It's not a consistent game.
And how about when I come home and interact with my family? Do I treat them as valuable people, the same way I want to be treated? Do I listen to them and value their thoughts and feelings? What good is it if I want other people across the ocean to be valued if I don't value people around me? (As an aside, I'm finding that the more I learn to value my own thoughts and feelings, the more naturally I value other peoples'... It doesn't really seem to take too much effort when I live it out that way. And I've always been so obsessed with whether or not I really love other people... There's something in there about the burden being light I think...)
My feeling is that all the justice work starts in the center of my own heart. How I live out my life each moment. No moment of acting for what is just and true (and by "true" I mean what is real, honest, the way things really are beneath all the surface stuff), even in the smallest way, is insignificant. Even if it's standing up for myself, I do so in the presence of other people who might also then be inspired to do the same for themselves. There are so many acts of injustice all around us, right here at home. As important as words are, actions really do speak louder (to yourself and anyone watching). It's a little seed packed with potential (and it's quite satisfying even before any ripple effects!)
For what it's worth, i think you are absoultely right. Good for me to hear this today.
Arivaderchy (spelling flawless as ever) my wee Canadian friend
I am intrigued by this word... what does it mean??
Are there special Christmas celebrations going on with you and your family? Happy holidays to you!
Carla! Waiting for you to post another blog entry!
Earth to Carla, come in Carla....
Missing you!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Hi, see me on lisachu
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Hi, guantanamera121212
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