Sunday, September 09, 2007

Quasi Organic

Are humans organic? I like organic produce. To me it means that this food hasn't been manipulated by chemical agents in any way and is therefore itself, as it is, goodness as God created it. I equate organic and goodness. So, am I organic? Is organic a healthy way for me to be?

I got thinking. Is organic equal to natural? Should I just be natural? Well, humans aren't completely natural. In some of my reading the point was made that we don't just let our bowels behave "naturally" at any time they please. It's natural to have sex, but I don't just do that on a whim (and this seems to generally be accepted as "healthy"). And what about some of the things Jesus says to us, that unless we are willing to give up our father and mother, spouse, sister and brother, we can't follow him? That certainly doesn't seem natural (at least not to me). After Jesus fed the crowds one day, he said, "Don't waste your energy striving for perishable food like that. Work for the food that sticks with you, food that nourishes your lasting life." Work?? Is work natural to me? Not really. Animals work, but they work for survival and that's it. They don't have AA meetings or therapists or fitness trainers (unless Disney IS RIGHT??????) They work, they survive, they die. Organic fruit grows, is delicious, and then rots. I think if I were to behave completely naturally, as I whimsically and reactively felt, all the time, I'd probably head more in the rotting direction as well. So Jesus says I need to work... The yoke is easy and light, but it's still there. So, unorganic?...

But Jesus also says things like, "I am the Bread of Life. The person who aligns with me hungers no more and thrists no more, ever... that anyone who sees the Son and trusts who he is and what he does and then aligns with him will enter real life, eternal life. My part is to put them on their feet alive and whole at the completion of time." Hunger and thirst is "natural". Is Jesus calling us to a life that's unnatural and impossible? In one sense it's "organic" to deteriorate, in this fallen world, but there something special about us humans, a potential, deep dark damp soil in our souls, with endless possibilities for life and renewal. Unlike animals and fruit that naturally thrive and die, we don't have to die. Jesus came to "put us on our feet, alive and whole..." This doesn't really seem organic, it messes with a fallen world's tendency to death. But maybe it's just organic without the sin part? Sin is death, right? Maybe we have the potential to be organic in the truest sense of the word, but not without choice, imagination, trust, and some work. And I can't forget that magical mysterious grace that helps us find our footholds along the way.

I'm becoming addicted to the show "Heroes." My last thought is this, that these people have superpowers they aren't fully aware of. They have dreams of themselves doing incredible things that don't make sense in "real" life. Or they encounter things within themselves that don't make sense or scare them. What grips me about it is that they are discovering themselves, but over time. It doesn't all make sense to them right now. But they're growing aware, they're experimenting, making mistakes, putting effort into their capabilities because ultimately they are wonderful and could be used for wonderful things. This is becoming part of my "organic" journey. Being truly, just as God is Being truly. By grace, working through to the other side of what feels "natural" but not life-giving. Quasi Organic.
"When evolution selects its agents, it does so at a cost. Makes demands in exchange for singularity. And you may be asked to do something against your very nature." - Heroes


Frederick Buechner's Lovechild said...

I don't buy the 'natural = good' equation, Carla. You see it everywhere on everything you go to buy these days, but here are a few readily-thought of exceptions to that rule:

1) Deadly nightshade
2) Nettles
3) Scottish midgies
4) My baby daughter's poo, which I accidentally stuck my thumb into the other day. Yeuch.

Add to that list all of our 'natural' inclinations which aren't in line with the way God wants us to live; selfishness, fear, aggression, ignoring or disliking rather than loving our neighbour (let alone our enemies).

What I like about your metaphor is that it reminds us that - as organic - we're people who are growing and haven't arrived yet. We're also people who need to be earthed in the right things - good soil produces strong roots.

Thanks for the image!


Carla said...

Yeah, I think I kind of agree that natural is not equal to good. But I think I also don't agree that some of our unhealthy inclinations are necessarily natural... because to me that says that God created our hearts to be naturally evil... ? Imperfect we are, yes, and I think we naturally bend towards the easier or less healthy path. Is "natural" what we are designed to be by God or is "natural" the way we behave in our current fallen situation? This means something to me because in pursuing to be who God created me to be, the question of whether my heart is fundamentally good or bad is something I have often wrestled with.

What are Scottish midgies?

Frederick Buechner's Lovechild said...

When I say 'natural' I mean 'what we in fact do', and you're right, that's not the same as what we would do if we weren't fallen people. Paul uses 'natural' in that sense in both Romans and Corinthians.

People often accuse Jesus of not being 'wholly human' because he didn't sin and is therefore unlike us. But the counter argument is of course, that it's HE who is wholly human, and it's WE who are the anomalies! He's in the business of making us wholly human, and that's what this whole journey's about.

I think our hearts are basically good, thought fallen, Carla, and God's in the process of mending them. Hope that makes sense.

Midgies are wee bitey creatures who inhabit the wet West Coast of Scotland. They're the bane of outdoors people and serve no discernable purpose in life other than to chew on human beings, leaving itchy bitemarks all over. No doubt you guys have your equivalent, and knowing the scale of Canada, they're probably 10 times bigger and more annoying!

Carla said...

I hear what you're saying. Yup, that's basically what I'm thinking too.

Over here we have "noseeums" (no see thems) which sound similiar to your midgies. I think "midgies" is a far cooler name though!

Hope you have fewer and fewer encounters with your baby girl's poo. :)

Thanks for your comments FBL.

Frederick Buechner's Lovechild said...

I have a few noseeums in my congregation, Carla.... they're on the roll but we never see them in church.... ;-)

Carla said...

Ha ha! I think there were some midgies in my former church- not out of sight but definitely chewed on people and left some painful sores. :) Thankfully one can choose to distance themselves from them and get some healing. Thanks for making me laugh in my first hours of work this morning.

a feckless boy said...

Carla, just popped in to see how your doing. All quiet on our blog just now...

a feckless boy said...

sorry that should have said your blog - oh for a spell checker

Carla said...

Hi Paul! :) Thanks for checking in! Now that I'm working at a job where I have no free time to browse the net (dang it) I haven't checked in on your's for a little while either. Will have to soon!I find some periods of time more "blogging fruitful" than others. I hope you are doing well! And I don't think the spell checker would have fixed your mistake... We need "grammer" checkers. Or would that be "grammar" checkers?... Oh dear. But thanks for clarifying. :)

Frederick Buechner's Lovechild said...

Hi Carla -

Long time no hear. Missing you!


Logan said...

Hey Carla, very interesting post. I'm not much of an organic food eater, but very interesting metaphors. Given me some pondering material over the last couple weeks. But i haven't come to any conclusions :)

"Is "natural" what we are designed to be by God or is "natural" the way we behave in our current fallen situation?"

I especially liked that question..because it seems more and more as I read the news and all the negatives of society it portrays (sells more papers i hear) I find myself often cynical of human nature.

And as for Heroes! I just started..and finished watching the first season. It's very bad to have the whole season on your computer, because once you start...well when it says To be continued, you just start the next one..and end up getting no work done for the entire week. But I really like the show.

Although this quote isn't from the show, I happened across it a while back

"I like coincidences. They make me wonder about destiny, and whether free will is an illusion or just a matter of perspective. They let me speculate on the idea of some master plan that, from time to time, we're allowed to see out of the corner of our eye." Chuck Sigars



Carla said...

I can very much relate to the uninterrupted Heroes watching! :) I rented most of the first season and then found the rest online. I remember doing the same thing for LOST (are you into that one?) and it was difficult to start watching it with commercials.

Thanks a lot for your thoughts Logan. Yes, observing human nature in the "behaving as we are in our fallen state" is really disheartening sometimes. The musings on human nature I posted here bring more hope into the picture for me. Always evolving thoughts. :)

I like that quote. Just this week I had that experience. I really need a part time job afterhours for extra cash and was stressed about what I could find etc. I suddenly had an idea to call a ballet teacher I used to do accompanying for and see if she needed an accompanist again. She was desparately looking for one, actually! And was so happy I had called. So within the course of a day I had my part time job problem solved and with great results. As much as I like to think that I need to be taking action to make things happen in my life, there's these kinds of circumstances that make me wonder otherwise, as your quote said. Thanks.

So have you started season 2 of Heroes?


Logan said...

Yeah I just watched the first episode of S2. I was worried because the network here at school restricts any torrents or downloads. However, we have a cool internal server where everyone in the residence can share files. And someone here has found a way to download episodes and share them. Yay for me! Prison Break, Heroes, House and Smallville are my shows.

No i've never watched Lost. I'm afraid to, i assume if I do i'll get hooked and watch them all. But if I never start..that won't happen :)

Isn't it nice when things in life just fall into place. So you do some ballet dancing huh?

Carla said...

Well, I don't dance (though as I watch the girls I wish I could jump right in with them! Ah, if I could relive my childhood). But I do get to accompany on the piano. Enjoyable and worthwhile.

I must say, I'm enjoying Heroes more than LOST (and I was such an avid Lost fan!) I thought the first two seasons were really great, but this last one lost my interest a bit. I haven't watched Prison Break, Smallville, or House. I think I might really like House, from what I've heard about it. Yeah for smart computer people who can hook you up with your favorite shows. :)